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Hi. I paid and downloaded the 5.0 version for PC, but the app doesn't work. The 4.2 works, but this doesn't. I open the .exe and nothing

Mhm, that's very weird. I know it may sound obvious, but just in case, double check you downloaded the pc version, not the mac or android one. You can also share your problem on the discord server. There it's more likely you could find another player with the same problem.

maybe im dumb but im missing 2 scenes on first page ;-;

Is anyone able to download this on I'm can't seem to get it to work

I downloaded the 5.0, but the .exe doesn't open

part of blocking recruiting soldiers on android and just swipe your finger on the bottom left corner of the mobile phone, the menu will appear and return.

Does anyone know how to trigger Xania's event?
I feel like I tried everything and it just never show up.

Bug: I am playing on 0.50 and went from NOCVERCHIS ->NECROSIA ->Dir-Klou. When entering Dir-Klou I had a message from Atzi saying "Of course, Nulkan. You are right." even though I never met her.

will the final price be higher when the project is completed? Because I know another project I supported did that so purchasing the game earlier was rewarded because you would get the following updates included, is this like that? From what I read it seems but I would much like to be sure

Yup, it will be something similar. And yes, on the price of the final product we'll take into account people that supported us on patreon. We still have to think a bit more about the details about all this, though.

(1 edit)

so purchasing now will get me the following updates? Also I just absolutely adore your work, not only is it high quality in every way, but, and I dunno if this is gonna sound weird, one of the endings from space paws genuinely made me re-evaluate my goals in life, cause your game engrossed me so much when I was done I was thinking "why do I feel if I was there I would be happiest in this ending?" (the one with Siaren) and it made me realize I was much more family oriented than the professional oriented person I thought I was, and I just wanna say thank you and appreciate that no matter if it's weird or not

Nope. Purchasing updates is for every update. Anyway, it's easier for us to give the final version of the game to patrons, because we can easily see the lifetime support of that patron. Even if you just pledge when there's a release of the game, for us it's easier later to give discount or other rewards.
And it's not weird you share this with us. We really like hearing stuff from this. We like to thing that our games can give something more besides the adult content.

alright, thanks for the reply, I'll 100% be purchasing the finished product as I've loved what I've seen so far

actually crap I do have one more question, does this also apply to the walkthrough and cheats included purchase option?

Hello, I bought the 0.50 version of this game after thoroughly enjoying 0.42, is there a way to convert my saves from 0.42 to 0.50?

I bought the $10 version for the walkthrough but It wont let me download/access the walkthrough version for mac. Any help would be appreciated.

Does anyone know if Aurora appears later on in the game or is she only there for the prologue

Can't recruit troops, everytime i choose a value i get stuck, usually i would press escape but i'm on android.

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

android app freezes when trying to recruit in the cities. Looks like an engine bug that requires something more than a quick hotfix.

For now use this code to replenish soldiers (click on the candle on nulkan's tent):


Last time I asked was 5 months ago and got no answer so, does anyone know the names of the  battle songs in this game?

In the main manu click on "jukebox"

aint no way I missed that

How do you unlock the 24th h-scene? Specifically the one after Yrassele’s third h-scene.

(1 edit)

You save Yraselle's 2nd date until after meeting The Dark Queen, and have her train magic with The Dark Queen instead of with Dynae. If you already had her train with Dynae you have to relaod an old save before her 2nd date, or start a new save.

Is there a reason android cant have cheats too

(1 edit) (+1)

Links have been updated with a good bunch of hotfixes.
Soon we'll try to upload also the Android version!

No matter what I do I cant get Atzi's fishing event to trigger, I did everything the guide said to and nothing happened.

I think it used to trigger in Fernia, but it should trigger with her at level 5, or 6 after talking a walk in Dir Klou. Also has to be at least 6 days after the battle in Dir Klou. 


Anyone knows how to get the last one in the gallery?

Max out aurora's sex training

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello, ran into a bit of a glitch in my game that is walling me.

I went to Fernia → Dir-Klou → Necrosia.
I sided with the Klouties.
When I reach the battle with Necrosia, the Diran are aiding in the battle, like in the Dir-Klou fight, and the end of that fight has the cut scene from the Dir-Klou.
After, the HUD has the usual camp info, and also the battle info overlapped on top.
Then, nothing triggers the dream sequence in Necrosia, so I can't continue.

I've tried reloading before entering Necrosia, and even before entering Dir-Klou, but the glitch keeps happening.


It was already reported and fixed but we didn't replace the file of the game in yet. We want to make sure there's no other bugs like that before reuploading.
Anyway, thanks for reporting :)


Okay I found a way to avoid that bug, just do not use the Dir-Klou units on the blattle with the skeletons and you will be fine (aka do not use any attacks from Hazel or Teigan).

I've experienced the same bug, but going to Necrosia -> Dir-Klou -> Fernia.
I sided with the Dirans and the Klouties are aiding in Jiliana's battle. After the battle, there are still the battle info until I rest and it restart the event with Jiliana's battle correctly, so I had to do 2 battles in Fernia.

Hi Riders! I haven't had time to fully go through version 0.50 yet, but I have a couple of pretty important questions. Firstly, if you decide to go to Nokverchis instead of Eldrien, you will eventually be able to go to all locations except Nokverchis. The same thing works the other way around, if you go to Nokverchis, then you will not be able to go to Eldrien and Fernie, only immediately to Zone 3. Is that the plan or is it a bug? Or maybe in future updates it will be possible to visit all locations before moving to the third zone?

And one more important question: is it possible to unite Dir and Klou to get units and characters of both nations, or should I not even try, and the plot forces me to choose either one of them, or none at all?

I would really like to finish the game by collecting all the characters and warriors in one save, I hope that if there is no such opportunity in the game now, then it will be in the future. I hope for the developers' response and thank you so much for your work on the game, it's wonderful

(thx translator)

Sadly you can't unite them

Ehm, about going to nations... I'm not sure I understood the problem. The game works this way:

You can advance to neighbour nations of the one you currently are. But once you advance to a new zone, you are not allowed to go back to "conquer" a nation you didn't visit. You can visit Nocverchis, then Eldrien and after that advance to Zone 2 and visit  Fernia, for example (Fernia is a neighbour nation of Eldrien).

It's basically that mechanic. Hope this explanation helps. If it didn't work like that, you could have probably broken the game with an old save.

This game has already become truly amazing in all aspects.
Story aspect and overall characters aspect is amazing. The porn aspect lacks some anal scenes tho

(3 edits)

Is this intended or bug that Zoe and Anwen didn't show anymore (for sex training) after their sex battles ? I had it both in my v50 and v42 (only Zoe) playtroughs.

It kind of bothers me if i did something wrong or what?

And also i noticed bug that even after maxing out 4 categories in my stamina, I have only 1150 points in Anwen fight.


That content was not still added to the game. 

Thanks for fast reply :D

(1 edit)

And also question if jukebox will be expanded couse it didn't have some tracks, like The Night Queen Theme (that backround music when you wisit her)?


Sure! It will eventually be updated. It's just something we don't do in each update.


Anybody know how to get H-scenes #24 and 27 in v0.50? The ones immediately before and after the Atzi dates. And are there only 4 girls available for sex training (there are 6 sex training stats)?

(1 edit)

I try to unlock them to (i think 27 is side event for Atzi someone bellow asked for)

There are 6 succubus:

You unlock 5th in Eldrien after visiting nadine 2 times there (diffrent days) and 6th few days after the battle of Ferania, bit i think u have to maxed out Yraselle.

(1 edit)

The last two aren't in the game for training yet. Zoe is unlocked by visiting Nadine in Eldrien twice, and Anwen 6 days after the battle in Fernia. You may have to level Yraselle to 3, and go on first date, but I'm not sure if that is required. Scene 24 is unlocked by saving Yraselle's 2nd date until meeting The Dark Queen, and having her train magic with her. If you had her train with Dynae you have to start a new save, or reload one from before her 2nd date. Scene 27 is unlocked by getting Atzi to level 5, or 6. Followed by waiting in Dir Klou for at least 6 days after the battle there, and then taking a walk in the woods. Only triggers in Dir Klou. 

What do you need to do when you arrive in Necrosia? in v0.42?

who is it yellow hair girl on the right side of main picture ?
can anybody tell me.

(2 edits)

how to do unlock 3rd atzi
and last succubs battle?

Is there any prediction for the next update?

Very thoon.

I can't find the last h-scene of the gallery, can anyone help me?

question, is it pay per update or pay the 2 once and have every update after?

You have every update

You get only one update, if you want to play newer updates before anyone else, you got to pay again.

Deleted 1 year ago

They posted 3 days ago on Patreon !

(1 edit) (+1)

Not sure why but I am unable to download .37 on the itch app. Is there a fix for this? (Specifically it says "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined")


Don't know dude, same problem here.

In my version 0.37, I had a couple of bugs.


I played from the very beginning. I went to Eldrien straight from Yalen. 

When I returned to my tent and after I did sex training w/Aurora for the first time, Misha showed up to help me, despite me never doing the Misha battle.

Also, when I went to Novenchreis from Eldrien, the battle with the third executor appeared, and I fought the blonde girl and had Eden come save me. After the battle, I unlocked the cat girl, before even visiting her nation.

Is an android port in the works for this game? 

Have you tried joiplay? Most .exe work with it, but if you see a EXE.rare ones then it won't

How to trigger Atzi side event in 0.42?

(2 edits) (+5)

been following you guys since 0.10 of space paws, all I can say is space paws was an amazing game and you guys are blowing this new one out of the water with everything from the narrative, to the animation, to the music (especially the soundtrack) and sound design of the characters/environment! everything is crisp and clean,  it really shows how much you care about the product you're putting out to your fans and the public. Keep up the amazing work and I can't wait to see what comes from Taifun Riders next!

Just purchased it after playing thru the public build. Really enjoying the game tbh. How often do you put out updates? I see talks  of 0.50 in the comments, but when exactly is the next update? 

We don't say release dates. We just keep working until the content it's done and without important bugs. But we usually need a similar amount of time between updates.

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