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Hi Taifun,

I really love your games and write this comment to ask you four things...

1) can you add a bug report on your game, on Shuggerlain there are sometimes a bug with the level of the girls, it is blocked (174/175) or we can have a better with these girls (Taigan, Saraith...).

2) In 0.8, you want to add a time limit, could you do two modes one history (with limit) and one free (no limits of travel and time after complete all history for have the easter eggs).

I also want to share with you two ideas of (alternative) endings, tell me if you are interest by them:

1) If Nulkan have the relation father with Izun, she maybe could calm the other dragon (sorry i forget his name) by a love reliationship....

2) If Nulkan have defated all succubus, Agastrire could be possesed by the leader of succubus, have under her control the first executor (very bad memory...) and could have a battle with Nulkan for the end after defeat the army of Arax...

Here is all my suggests for now

I hope you will pay attention at them but if not, it doesn't matter.

Have a nice day

Hi Milo,

1- This bug usually is usually related to using old saves. Besides from that, make sure you completed the date. You can't go forward (level 4 for example) if you  didn't complete Date 1. Same with date 2 and level 7, etc.

2- The "time limit" on the next update will have no real consequences. It just an indicator so players can start feeling days as another resource. Nothing else. But in v1.0 it will have consequences. Endings will depend on the days needed. Doesn't mean more days = bad ending. Just different endings. We'll consider anyway if a "free mode" will be added once you unlocked 1 or some of the endings. 

Thanks for the suggestions, but the endings are already written and decided. It's possible you will see something like that or not. Can't tell you ;)


Hello Taifun,

Thank you very munch,

I can't wait to see the update

Have a good week

the newest version does not work on my mac. It comes up with a long notepad file that starts with "I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred." the older version worked fine. please help

Please, let me know exactly which was the previous mac version that worked for you. We'll see if we can do something about it.


Version 0.50.4 for mac


will this game ever be coming to steam or will it stay on itch?


cheat codes dont work

Is there a guide l can look for l kinda got in keneq in android free versinon

When is the new release going to be ready for android?

Currently working on it. 

awesome. The game looks really fun

When the android 77.2 update will come ??



According to the site, I've paid 10$ a year ago, then 10$ 291 days ago and finally another 10$ 147 days, 30$ which is twice the price tag LOL. But in my library, I can only download v0.73 :-( ... thought that this time I could download the update for free or am I confuse ?

I am in the same boat my man not too happy about it

You paid so far 10$, so you'd need to pay the remaining part.
Anyway, just follow the instructions I gave to SilveryShadow.

Just checked your payments info. It is exactly as you said. Reach to or discord:
And we'll send you an access key.

Thanks, just sent the request on the gmail account. Also thanks for the discord invite (although I'm barely on discord now). Btw, I've checked your Patreon, is there a way to pay more like annually and decide after a year if I want to continue to pay ? Point is, I hate subscription as I'm forced to leave my CC info on the site.

Will there ever be a free apk version


Yes, once we upload the 0.77 for Android, we'll also upload a public version of an older update.


Ty for the reply I appreciate it

Just got the v0.77.2 release, and I'm wondering:

Is there a revised walkthrough document available? One that covers both previous and newer content? The downloaded game files didn't appear to include one...

Thank you!


Yes, you have to options:
1- (The free one) Ask for guide / help in the proper Discord channel. Our members will give you tips about the content you want to find/unlock. I can assure you the tips are very useful. (although it's not a proper full walktrough guide).
Discord link:

2- (The paid option) Patreon walkthrough:

Hey, so I've payed $12 through past transactions. Do I need to spend another $3 or $15 for full content? 


We don't agree with's non accumulative payments system.

To do that, we need you to reach us to or on Discord.

We've already checked you did a 2$ payment and another 10$ payment before.

After contacting with us, we'll ask you to make the reamining 3$ payment, so we can give you an access key for That way you will be able to access the game and all its remaining updates.

Any eta on the android build before I purchase for a second time?

We'll try to release the Android build for v0.77 during this month.
About payment, read our comment above this one replying to Namenamington.
We'll be glad to help.


I played your previous game and really liked it. I couldn't support you back then but now I can. As the game is getting closer to completion I am happy to spend $15 on it. Keep up developing games :)


Thanks for understanding!

There's still a lot of exciting stuff that will be added during the next updates! 

Hope you enjoy this last part of the journey.

Are there any plans to convert the walkthroughs into something other than a html document? Trying to create an offline copy for my own personal reference from it has been a massive pain in the ass because the formatting screws up something awful

(1 edit) (+1)

I just purchased and downloaded the 0.73.2 for windows; but when I try running the game I hear the music playing yet the screen stays black. I also tried running both .exe files; same thing. Am I doing something wrong? Please help!

Edit: Solved! I googled "renpy game engine help" and I found a page for "Ren'py Visual Novel Engine Games Troubleshooting Steps" from Sekai Project Support. In the fourth bullet point it said:

  • Holding Shift during the start-up of the game might help it run.

Doing that caused a kind of configuration menu to pop up; not sure what to call it. There were different options for Renderer, Gamepad, Powersave, Framerate, and Tearing. In the first option "Renderer", I changed it from "Automatically Choose" to "Force ANGLE2 Renderer". 

Now it works! If anybody else has the same issue I did; this may help. Happy gaming!

I'm wondering about the proper progression thru the Shuggerlain nations. Can't exactly determine despite reading the walkthru.

What's the best path after Ashtera -> Yalen -> Eldrien? Maybe something like Nocverchis -> Necrosia -> Dir-Klou -> Fernia?

Please advise - and thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

I believe the best path is:

Ashtera -> Yalen -> Nocverchis -> Eldrien -> Fernia -> Dir-Klou -> Necrosia.

Technically it doesn't matter if you do Nocverchis or Eldrien first; you won't have battles where the units you unlock there are better till you reach Zone 2. Also, I noticed that if you go to Eldrien after Nocverchis the map still allows you to go to Necrosia; despite not being neighboring nations. I don't think that was supposed to be possible; weird.

If you go to Necrosia first in Zone 2, you can only go to Dir-Klou next; and same if you go to Fernia first. But you MUST go to Fernia first; or you'll miss one of the side events involving Atzi:

Pasted from the Walkthrough:

"Fishing with Atzi: The event triggers when you meet ALL the next requirements. 

-Be in Dir-Klou. 

-Reach level 5 of affection with her. 

-At least 6 days after the battle in Dir-klou.

-After this, she will be outside her tent (bottom right part of the camp). Click on her to trigger the event."

You meet Atzi in Fernia; and you cannot return to a previous nation at all. So if you go to Dir-Klou before Fernia, you'll miss the event. You won't miss anything if you leave Necrosia for after Dir-Klou.

The only thing about doing that is: If you want to choose the second option on Yraselle's second date; to speak with The Night Queen; you'll have to leave her at level 6 and hold off from doing Date 2 till you recruit The Night Queen. Otherwise, Dynae is your only option on Date 2.

Pasted from the Walkthrough:

"Date 2 : Choose talk with Dynae or with the Night Queen (if available).

Once you choose one of these options, you can’t change your decision, so you can’t redo dates 1 and 2 with her. If you choose the Night Queen, Yraselle will change her hairstyle and hair color, and she’ll wear a dark staff."

Hope this helps! ;)

Thanks for this. It is indeed helpful.

I'm very much enjoying this game, and I'm looking forward to the next update/release!

how do you buy the 0.73 version

everytime i put cheats in it says invalid, is this just me ?


the volleyballgame is unplayable and needs updated i cant progress beyond this point. great otherwise look forward to more updates.

It was updated on 0.73.2 now there's a better tutorial, we decreased the difficulty and also added the possibility of just skip it.


Great thanks for the update.

Deleted 22 days ago

How or where do I put the cheat codes in at


in your tent there is a candle you can click on


Is there a way to buy a version of the game that keeps updating?


how do i enter the cheats?


Do I have to start the game from 0? Khara and Maple didn't appear for "S3x training" also the new succubi is not appearing and I had faced all the others succubi before... is it a bug or I really have to start from 0?


The new volleyball section and succubus battle do not play well. They need changing

Minor spoiler in Zone 2 region:

During dir-klou, Nulkan would say "..You and your sisters.." at the first meaningful talk to Hazel. However, choosing to set up patrols in dir-klou would not get us any riders/priestesses from either side.

After doing sex training, moving to a new location would not let us have another sex training even though the day have changed (sex training -> move from dir-klou to fernia -> +5 days to timer -> sex training cannot be done)

(2 edits) (+2)

Where is version v0.73 for android???? It's been 1 years no updates for android I'm very disappointed ...

(1 edit)

i have a question if i paid once 5$ and a second time 2$ if i pay now 3$ could i get the 10$ one ?

great game just incamely hard to beat the voleyball part

Some modifications are planned.

Enjoy playing your game, however, ran inot major glitch - Ione sex battle, scene crashes into credits then main menu at beginning of fight. reloaded several times, reloaded game same result. please help.

After unlocking Yraselle's third date, the first and second dates disappear. Is there any way to fix this?

Hi, when will the update be available?

Since there's no place other than the comments where I could drop my errors, here.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 326, in bootstrap


  File "renpy/", line 617, in main


  File "renpy/", line 148, in run


  File "renpy/", line 922, in run_context

  File "script.rpyc", line 653, in script

  File "script.rpyc", line 653, in script

  File "renpy/", line 1397, in execute

    renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired)

  File "renpy/", line 1637, in with_statement

    return, paired, clear=clear)

  File "renpy/display/", line 2546, in do_with


  File "renpy/display/", line 3007, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3517, in interact_core

    self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)

  File "renpy/display/", line 2381, in draw_screen


  File "gl2draw.pyx", line 817, in renpy.gl2.gl2draw.GL2Draw.draw_screen

  File "gl2texture.pyx", line 216, in renpy.gl2.gl2texture.TextureLoader.cleanup

  File "renpy/", line 231, in write


IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor



Shuggerlain - Beyond time 0.50

Sun Aug  4 16:59:26 2024

Delete file and download again, just in case it's a corrupted download.


How do I get the missing scene with Izuin?

i keep having my game get stuck in a location

is there futa ?


How to get the missing h scene?

Are the sex scenes interactive?

How do I get the 2 scenes with Izuin?

BRO! how did get all those scenes. I only have the first bottom 2.


pls do tents for captured succubs

(1 edit) (-1)

Where is android update it not fair fir other to play the new version instead of android 😢


really love the game but to be honest I wish there was more to female orgasms and not just  guy would you add that?

Are the sex scenes interactive?

Question about the lore?

Is there any reason why the Arax has not conquer Ashtera, Nocverchis, Dir-Klou, Necrosia, and Syqua. Well  ok I know why Necrosia is not occupied for obvious reasons but what about the rest?

Each Executor gets to govern each country. So where does Jillian govern? Does she share the land of Fernia with Erden or is she a free roamer type Exector which maybe why is always looks pissed all the time.

Aside from Arax, who is the richest and most powerful country in Shuggerlain that can pose a threat to world conquest aside from Arax and Ashtera.



There is explanation for that in the story, except for Syqua, we have info on it yet.

I'm curious about it too, in the previous version i was thinking she was from Kemeq or Siann but now it's a mystery.

For the most richest maybe Siann, for the most powerful it's hard to tell, you get almost all of them as allies anyway.

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