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im having trouble with the 3rd battle, is it possible to get some hints or tips to beat it?

Hi, i was looking forward to buying it but unfortunately the modes of payment that is available to me are upi and netbanking. A little help?

That's weird. You should be able to use credit card or paypal. Send a message to telling them about your issue, or support us on patreon for a month. There the game has the same price and patreon accepts paypal and credit cards.

I'm sorry, I tried really hard and the card was declined on patreon as well. Is there another way I can pay(other than cards)?

Paypal or stripe should work.

Some typos in the latest version:

Thanks for reporting! We'll fix it!

last time you took 109 days to upload the new version. Can we expect the same eta? I want to buy the next version you guys release

The time between update is usual similar but this incoming update is needing a bit more of time because there are a lot of changes, more than usual. We've focused on improving battles, smoother videos, new mechanics...
But very Soon :) it's almost ready


wow its been almost 3 months and no change to public release. this is starting to make me very upset with having to wait i waited a month for the v o.16 to go public and now waiting 3 times as long for v 0.22. that’s kinda messed up.

i love the game the grafics are great and the story line is amazing and good music. but the wait is getting longer and longer making me lose intrest in the game all together

We are glad to know you enjoy our game. All the updates will take approx 3 months, that's true but exceptionally we're making deep changes on the game that is taking a bit more than usual.
I know waiting is frustrating, that's why 3 months is a good balance between waiting and new content. But again, we think we have improved the game a lot in this update we'll soon release.
We really think that the wait will be really worth it.

thanks for the reply. i will be waiting and will let yall know what i think as soon as i can play the update

is is possible to use my 0.16 save for 0.22 if i buy it?

Yeah i just copied all the files from the 0.16 saves folder and pasted in the 0.22 saves folder

Deleted post

Ok, so 0.16 actually convinced me to pay that 2 dolars to see 0.22. The porn aspect is great, but the story is really interesting, and contributed to that.

I'm considering monthly pay, as I really like what you are doing here. I wish you to grow bigger and get more attention. You deserve it. 

(1 edit)

finally the 0.16 update..

i really love it,looking forward to the 0.22 public release too! also,when's the discord server getting public? i really want to follow the news,im way too broke to pay patreon,(not mentioning how expensive it is in my country) so yeah.

also:for god's sake please share the soundtracks,i LOVE the main menu theme but i dont know what it is..


They have already stated their license for the OST is limited - they can only use it in game. So yeah, that sucks. But hey, the full release will eventually come to steam and maybe a dlc...or a jukebox!

(2 edits)

I can help about the music. 
Lifetheory - This is not the end

It's available on the Spotify. 

thank you SO MUCH! i'm gonna listen to this a hell lot. <3

(2 edits)

Any news on when 0.22 will be up here? Patreon is a pain (frequently denies because my cc company flags it for some reason), but I'd be happy to pay here for the earlier release like what happened with 0.16 since it's easier here. Love the game and can't wait for the next release!

It's already available :)

Haha wow timing. Thank you!

If shuggerlain was updated 88 days ago will the new update be out soon or will it still be a while?

Deleted 3 years ago

Soon. We've "delayed" the public release just to make coincide the public and patreon releases. So exceptionally the public release is taking slightly more than usual. But as I've already said, soon :)

Deleted 3 years ago

This was amazing I loved it if I wasn't so broke I would be subscribing to your patreon seriously good job developers.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed our alpha. If you can't support us it's also helpful when people recommend us or talk with others about our work. For now, no much people know about Shuggerlain :)

You have already created an absolute piece of art with SpacePaws (I loved everything about it). So I'm really looking forward to see this game progress. :D

Greetings and best wishes!

Please build for Android, RenPy supports this.

Likely we'll release an (non optimised yet) android build in the next patreon release we'll make in a few weeks.

I made an account just for this. I love the work you have done so far with it. And i loved space paws. Heck as weird as this sounds i loved the soundtrack with it as well. So as long as you keep Shuggerlain up to quality with like spacepaws it'll be great. 2 questions, for patreon (im considering) how long do you think this project will take. And 2, is it possible to get the audio files for the game? I'm curious because the music has grown on me with space paws

It's hard to tell but...something more than 2 years?
We can't share the audio files because we 've bought the rights to only use it on our game but we'll credit all the soundtracks and it's possible that we also add something like a jukebox extra on the main menu to hear the songs.

(1 edit)

Do you guys think you will release updates for the people playing the game before the 2 years are over or will you just update the game once when its done and release it all at once?

Ps there's not a lot of games like this that make me really interested in the story and excited to see how things turn out but you did just that so just want to say so far great game and hope to see more [= 

Approx every 2-3 months we'll try to release a new update of the game, as we did with space paws.  We like to update and improve the stuff, step by step, hearing our patrons and fans :)

if thats the case then if and when the new update is out will it still stop at the point where it stopped before or will you make it longer to go past the prologue just curious?


came looking for a gmae about sex, cried in 20 minutes d(;-;) 10/10 good game


We just try our games to offer something more than just sex :P

(1 edit)

I honestly love everything about this AND the first game,I love both games and every piece of them.the lore,soundtracks,h-scenes and everything.

And I have a question,not only that I feel like people who dont pay money from patreon get literally nothing and dont even know about any news about the game,Im sad that 0.16 version is out for patrons only.Is it gonna be free after a while? or will it actually require money to get?
Like,we cant even join the discord,give us at least the updates for the game? Because it is honestly really hard to keep up with the news without paying,the blurred pictures of patreon posts dont help much :D

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the first steps of our new project :)
About 0.16, it will be as we always did with space paws. Patrons will receive the updates some months earlier, but after that we'll make them public. Same with discord. Patrons have early acces, but later everyone will be able to join our discord.
After all, they are paying our bills so we give them early acces to everything among others things :)

its not really an "early access",we basically dont get any news about the game at all.

like,i have no idea what happened between these past two months just because im not able to pay.maybe at least we should get the development diaries or something?

(1 edit)

nevermind,i just noticed that even the news require its own money,what am I even trying to ask lol

welp,the only thing left to do is waiting hopelessly i guess

Ok so i just want to start out with you guys are fantastic, i played space paws sense public 0.10 (if i remember correctly), and i believe i emailed y'all to express my joy with the game, its been a while, and with this new project y'all have yet again blown me away with the game i am over joyed with my ability to play your games and am expecting more greatness from them(and once i get money i am going to buy the full version) again thank you i am a fan of games with a good story, (the nsfw bits are just a bonus) and you have hit the nail on the head

Thanks! That's our objective a good game where sex scene are good but at the same time they're just a bonus :)

(6 edits)

Hey, I reset my account just to comment. This is amazing, guys. And I'm not even talking about the animated/erotic scenes. For a 0.1v alpha, there's a lot to read through! I love VNs and especially medieval stuff so this was such a cool adventure, thank you!
Let me start off by saying great job with that OST! I just wish every new scene had its own piece playing in the background.
The story is actually quite good, I'm not gonna lie, I was hooked 5 minutes in. 
There are a bit of typos, like for example the number of times I read Ashtera and Asthera makes me wonder: "How the hell is the country called, again?" as well as some other little mistakes but for an alpha this exceeds expectations.

And of course, those battles are EPIC. Especially loved the cavalry!

With all this said, I highly encourage you to try to put this on steam.

Yes, even in this state. Please consider because it just DESERVES to be there among the best VNs!! A bit ambitious, I know. But there is much worse there in terms of hentai so...yeah. Also, you can always make a censored, unanimated base for the game and go with that! I'm looking forward to seeing where this project goes!

Thank you very much. We're glad to know you like our new project. We're considering uploading it on steam once it is done. We also think that it should reach the quality standards of many games on steam.
Thanks for reporting the typo. It's Ashtera :)

Have plans to port for Linux?

this is really cool, will we get a new update in november?


Yo this game is actually fucking incredible! Good job and I hope you keep it up! Is it still in development and will there be more continuation of the story?

Thanks! This is v.0.10 which it means that is more or less the 10% of the final game. So yeah, we're developing it and this is only the beginning. Next release will be only for patrons, but we'll be making public releases from time to time here as well :)

Will it be on android

Yes! Likely after the next release will work on an android version

ok ty

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