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Any plans for a mobile version? Im on android.

There's a current android build in patreon

When we finish the development of the current update we'll try to upload it as well in

hello again, this issue still persists and i would really like some help with it

I've been playing v.0.27 on PC for a month or so now and suddenly the H-scenes only show a black screen (game still reacts and lets me skip them) and the sex battles only show the character in the battle outfit with no animations but still run the battle (can fight and health goes down as normal), However normal combat works fine.

I have deleted and reinstalled multiple times but it doesn't fix the problem. any ideas on how to fix it?.

I encountered Misha on the first playthrough and skipped her. Being the completionist I am, I am trying to find her again and add her to my gallery. But I can't find her!! I feel like she should be in Littanos but I've gone through Littanos saves many times. Can anybody help me please?

For each of the sex battles you seem to need to "wander around" each camp/city. Misha is in Littanos, the rest are in each subsequent camp.

See, I don't know if I made a different choice or what during my first play through, but each opportunity I get to take a walk in Littanos, either Dynae accompanies me and that's it, or "I need to talk to the soldiers". Since you suggested it, I went and rapidly attempted each walk opportunity many times each so even if there is only a 10% chance, like I saw somebody say for Gifrix encounter, surely I would have gotten it.  Either I'm very unlucky today or we are missing something...

P.S. Also, I interpreted wander around as take a walk as it is in Littanos. The next opportunity you get to wander around in the actual camp location, you are already at Yalen. Maybe that info might help.

Deleted 2 years ago

How do you get scene 3 in the gallery and the last sex battle

6ood6ame gave the perfect explanation 2 months ago.


For a long time I could not find 3 and 6 scenes in the game, so I give a guide to people with the same problem. These scenes are located immediately after the last battle in Yalen, (do not choose "Skip Yalen", choose "Skip prologues") after it you are given to go to any tent, you need to immediately head to Nadine. After a short dialogue you will be given the choice "Let her relieve you" or "Go back to your tent", depending on which option you choose, the third and sixth scenes will open. If you do not have any scene open, you can ask me, I have all the scenes.

(thx google translate)


I finally got the third scene for myself today too

(1 edit)

May  I asked you where  the 4th battle was? I already at the final city of v0.33 and met Atzi already , I walked around the camp at day at night but  I  still couldn't find it . Is there any   conditions I need to follow.

I liked a lot Space Paws, Shuggerlain is quite fun for now.
A bit sad you can miss the succubus fight. I had to look out the gallerie to see what I missed and get back to an earlier save to catch them all.
It would be great to see those shy girls later in the game.
I had to farm a lot to find some of them (like 30 days in-game), maybe the random encounter of succubus can be improved ?

i dont know if this is everyone but i cant install this with the itch app anymore

Deleted 1 year ago

How do I get Scene 9 and 13 and all the Sex Battles?

hey, hope your days going well.

I've been playing v.0.27 on PC for a month or so now and suddenly the H-scenes only show a black screen (game still reacts and lets me skip them) and the sex battles only show the character in the battle outfit but still run the battle (can fight and health goes down as normal), However normal combat works fine.

I have deleted and reinstalled multiple times but it doesn't fix the problem. any ideas on how to fix it?.

(2 edits)

Hey, I've been playing v0.27 and loving it! Your attention to detail is great, and the game is just fantastic. I'm a little broke right now, but you can be sure the first couple spare dollars I get are going your way. I just have a couple questions:

1. Is there an ETA for when the game will be "complete?" If so, what is it? I understand the game is still early in development and you're trying new things.

2. How often can we expect updates? From the devlogs, it seems that updates are around every 3-4 months, although v0.33 I assume took longer due to being such a large update. Will this stay about the same or do you have plans to speed it up by optimizing making new content, recruiting more people to your team, etc.?

3. Are there any plans for Dynae to come back in H-scenes later in development, beyond the ones in v0.27? I know she's a minor after the Battle of Yalen, but I've kind of grown fond of her ;)

1. About 2 years. But it could be a bit more if patrons decide to add more content (side events, new girls, new H-scenes...)

2. There's no rule about this. Usually it's about 3 months. This last one needed a bit more, but we're trying that the new one will be a bit shorter. Is not about speeding up, it's more about how much content an update has. More content needs more time and shorter updates have less. We're trying to reach a certain balance.

3. Dynae and Izuin are the main girls of the game. And we are not done with them :)

Nice to hear! I get that content takes a lot of time to make, and that the patrons come first (hopefully I'll join that cadre soon, haha). Thanks for the response, happy holidays, and good luck with the rest of development!

is that normal that i can't instal/ update the game on anymore 

Maybe someone of you guys can help me to unlock the scenes 13 and 14 (the first 2 on the second page)

Thank you :)

All of the scenes from #4 onward (except #6) are relationship scenes. So just level all the relationships and eventually you'll get them. Specifically, those 2 are for Vex.

Deleted 3 years ago

thank you very much.  finally i got it :)

I completed it, and tried everything, but I can't seem to get the 3rd or the 6th H-scene, besides this, very good, I love it, and I want more of it! XD also I'd like that first succubus, I'd like her kind traveling with you, and able to get to know better as well.

I'm having trouble with the 3rd one myself, but I can confirm the 6th is obtained by visiting  Nadine after defeating Yalen's army, but before entering the town

Will there be an android port for the latest release?

It's already released but only for patrons for now. The price is the same as here :)

The games are cheap and the quality is good

I've been trying to find the new succubus (Zoe) for a long time and I'm not succeeding, does anyone know how to find her?

You have her with the first succub, u have to wait for the timer to go dow

This is a bug and has already been fixed in the first hotfix.

Finding Zoe takes two dates a day with Nadine and then goes to bed. After the first dialogue, the next night she will come to you again. What to choose in dialogues with succubi, I think you already know.

Do you have to be in a specific region for that? 

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, you need to be in Eldrien

Do only 2 of the succubus have the new sex battle system?

That is. We wanted to test it and receive some feedback before going definetely for it.

Bug report

During the sex battle with Misha, it is impossible to unlock the last scene, the button on the right leg is always locked (there may be some special way to unlock it, but I couldn't figure it out).

If during the sex battle with Misha you do nothing and wait for the timer to end, the attack of the new fourth succubus will begin, and after that the game will crash

Download again the game. Those bugs were fixed

Now the button on the leg is gone completely.

Because it shouldn't be there ;)


We've detected some bugs on the v0.33. Very soon we'll upload a version with all the hotfixes

Download links have been updated! :)

Hello Taifun Riders

I heard a lot about you and i want to ask you something,are you guys good in sprite editing?

We are not used to work with sprites

There is a bug if you activated skip in the first battle you can't use oil vat until you turn off skip

One of the best!

Is it worth going through the whole game now or will there be new dialogs for the old chapters in the update?

I recommend playing a bit the prologue at least until Misha fight on the v0.33. New animations and combat system for the succubi

(1 edit)

And another small question, are there many more updates planned, or do you plan to complete the game in the next year and start a new one?

0.33 means that more or less the game is developed a 33%
I think we'll approximately need more 2 years to completely finish it. In the last updates come the harem endings and those are usually that most time consuming updates

I'm glad to hear that the game is just at the beginning of its journey, it has really huge potential. Thanks for your hard work and good luck with development!


For a long time I could not find 3 and 6 scenes in the game, so I give a guide to people with the same problem. These scenes are located immediately after the last battle in Yalen, (do not choose "Skip Yalen", choose "Skip prologues") after it you are given to go to any tent, you need to immediately head to Nadine. After a short dialogue you will be given the choice "Let her relieve you" or "Go back to your tent", depending on which option you choose, the third and sixth scenes will open. If you do not have any scene open, you can ask me, I have all the scenes.
(thx google translate)

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

the second sex battle can be found by chance in the forest. When you're at camp, click "Take a walk trough the camp's surroundings"

I think the chance is about 10%. If you can't find it for a long time, then try to do it in another chapter.

The seventh scene is on the first date with Saraith (I don't know how you might not find it). For the only choice on a date, choose "Move her slowly away by her shoulders"

Deleted 3 years ago
(2 edits)

hi, sorry to bother you but i'm having a problem with scene 14, could you help me?

Hi, 14 scene is the scene after the first date with Yraselle. I don’t remember exactly when it opens, but I’m sure it’s in the last chapter. Make sure you have the latest version of the game (0.27), otherwise you won't have it.
On date choose "Did you really want to marry Pyrus?"

thank you very much, this was the last one left (thx google translator)

When can we expect the new update by? This has been the longest wait like ever. Also, i got my card working, gonna buy the latest version when it comes finally.

Already asked below. There should be an update this month

v0.33 is out :)


shit negro, that's all you had to say

I cannot find Dynae scene where she gives the MC a Blowjob & I also cannot find the second sex battle 

SHUGGERLAIN - v0.27 - JOGO HENTAI 2D - Lapk Jogos Porno Hentai

That Dynae scene is after the battle of Yalen. The sex battle is from wandering outside the first camp (i think a random chance).

(3 edits)

Thanks for the reply, however, I am still having trouble finding these scenes. Is there something I must do first to unlock the Dynae scene?  After the battle, I only have 1 action point left & 0 corruption. I use the action point to go have a chat with Dynae, and nothing happens. 


It's the other option from the Nadine BJ scene. "Check out Nadine's tent" or 'don't do that"

Devs you should seriously consider making this a steam early access title. It's got enough playtime now and it definitely is worth checking out. You will get much more attention and hopefully much more money to help push forward the next updates faster. Just drop the full price onto the game as it is, your work is just that good! A new teaser/trailer would be cool but if you can't afford that it's still f*cking fine.
Hope you read this, thanks, Tommy.

Thanks Tommy! I already had in mind creating a new trailer with content of the game and censored scenes. So that's something we'll definetely do. We have also noted your suggestions about steam. We'll study it :)

Can I ask when the new version will be out if you guys have a date yet?

Very likely at some point of November.

(1 edit)

Just played through the game and unlock what scenes that are available and I got to say good work but I think for sex battle scenes if you lose or win we need an animation of the player cumming or the girl cumming
I think it would enhance the sex battle

good game so far tho

Thanks for the  comment and suggestion! The problem about that is that we'll need to do a cum animation practically for all the possible attacks. That would practically double the amount of work needed for a sex battles. But we understand that something like that would really enhance the battle, so we'll try to find and alternative.

Deleted post

When will 0.27 be made for public download

When 0.33 is available for patrons. We are working on it. Can't say a date. We're beyond the 50% of the development of the update, but less than the 100%

(1 edit)

I've completed 0.27 but for some reason I cant seem to get the third and sixth scene, the 3rd one looks like it should be a Dynae scene and the 6th looks to be a Nadine scene (who I have maxed at level 6, 249 points)

Just read carefully after the battle of Yalen ;)

Bug report if you click on the recruit button while at max cap while haveing enough money to make the last transaction (it shows up as the last purchase) you can get more troops than the cap. Sorry would attatch image but the file is to big. 

Thanks for reporting. It was an already reported bug anyway and it should be fixed on the next update.

Hello Taifun Riders,

A couple of weeks ago, I asked for the best way to send you a list of typos, but either you did not see that post or prefer not to disclose a public way to contact you, so here's my list of typos:


The last free realm on the contininent => continent

Prologue Part 1

  • I... I wasn't expecting this... Not least not so soon => At least not so soon
  • before my body lays in the ground => on the ground
  • The most of the skills consum AP => Most of the skills consume AP
  • Nulkan: I'm really sorry but...  I need to feel that... I'm not part of this atrocity. That I've done all I could to right the wrongs done today => This should be "Stranger", not Nulkan
  • Nulkan: Now I see that my doubts were real... => Should be Dynae
  • Nulkan: But this invasion... => Should be Dynae
  • Dynae: I see. I suspected that... => Should be Nulkan
  • Saraith: They would respect the decision => They would not respect the decision
  • Saraith: Let me just say that in Betresh you and your men... => Bertresh
  • Dynae: I don't need to know what Drascy's was hiding ... => Drascys
  • Dynae: Drascy's arrival was blessing => Drascys'
  • Dynae: There's strenght inside you Nulkan. => strength
  • Nulkan: I do as she says. The demon girl imbues some kind of magic unto me. => onto me. (or into me)
  • Saraith: Dynae is a great archmage, but also very beatiful, isn't she => beautiful

Prologue Part 2

  • Dynae: It's not that I am regreting of anything. => It's not that I am regretting anything (2 t's, no "of")
  • "feran Girl" => "Feran girl" or "Feran Girl" (3 places)
  • Dynae: ... And I must say Tregor has nothing to do. => And I must say Tregor won't be able to do anything.
  • As soon as she lays on one of the tween beds => twin beds
  • Misha battle: I carry her and pay for her to have a room to spend the night in in another inn. => night in another inn.
  • Wave 3: they see Tregor running away with some of their man => with some of his men
  • Saraith: Even though I'm happy to see you two aren't lossing your time, heehee... => loosing time, heehee...
  • Dynae: (after rejecting Nadine): Well, nadine told us about this => Saraith told us about this

Leaving for Eldrien

  • Saraith: Yes sir! => Saraith? Shouldn't this be just "soldier", or something similar?
  • Luth: He was Drascy's right hand for many years, and something tells me he's the real force behind Drascy's assassination => Drascys' (twice)
  • Nulkan: A Political marriage? Why? Isn't that a bit outdated? => A political (lowercase P, yes I'm a nit picker)
  • Yraselle: Araxian influece has been like a noose => influence
  • Nulkan: This seems to have started at the same time as Drascys' assasination => assassination
  • Yraselle: Pyrus!! Retreat, now! and realease my dad!! I command you => release my father (typo, and "dad" is really weird in this context)
  • Yraselle: I command you to stop and release my dad! => my father
  • Dynae: his attempted casting failed to stablize => stabilize

Leaving for Nocverchis

  • Nulkan: It's an excellent opportunity to bolster our away from the prying eyes of Arax => "bolster our away"??? Not sure what is meant by this.
  • Saraith: Yes sir! => Saraith? Shouldn't this be just "soldier", or something similar?
  • Nulkan: "leaving the Yalen border behind" => needs an update, in this case I left from Eldrien
  • Nulkan: As we continue the forest progressively... => As we continue, the forest progressively... (missing a coma)
  • Dynae: Nulkan... to the north of Nocverchis there's the 6th Executor [...] Something tells me he must be the one responsible => Needs an update, does not make great sense when we're going to Nocverchis from Eldrien.
  • Nulkan: Tell us. Dynae. => Tell us, Dynae

North of Nocverchis

  • Luth: When did you have intend to teach her to fight => either "When did you intend to teach her to fight" or "When were you intending to teach her to fight" (I prefer the 2nd version, past tense)
  • Nulkan: About 15 Nocverchians are there captured in cages => are there, captured in cages
  • Nulkan: Some of them fleed. Other tried to fight, but they soon fleed => fled (2 places)
  • Nulkan: No more assasinnations => assassinations
  • Misha: It smells to precum and there's no other smell around here. => Phrase is hard to make sense of. maybe "It smells precum..." or "It smells like precum..."
  • Ione: And if we win, will be likely thanks to it as well => And if we win, it will likely be thanks to it as well (And it should be Nulkan, no?)
  • Ione: Sometimes she even gives little biteboon my neck... => little bites on my neck...

Bug in Eldrien: Selecting "Boost soldiers' morale" also triggers "take a walk..."

Bug in Nocverchis: Izuin is almost constantly present in the scenes

Thanks for reporting! We tried to contact with you via pm, but it seems that's not possible in and we prefer not making our email public. Thank you so much, again :)

You're welcome!

I created email account We could set-up a way for me to send you future typos...

Please reply here if you send me an email, so I can double-check I did not receive a fake reply from someone else.

Have a great day!

Fan from space paws excited to see your content every time! One scene still eludes me but I am enjoying the story. The battle scene update is great, love the updated ui! One QOL suggestion would be the ability to go to Nulken's tent from the visit girls map. I find myself clicking that button on accident at 0 energy which causes some wait time. Thanks again for making this game!

I really like this game so far, though I am wondering how to unlock the third scene in the gallery. I also wasn't able to encounter the two other locked succubi battles so far. What did I do wrong? :D I'm already at the end of the current version (0.27).

3rd scene is in your first night in camp. The 2nd succubus encounter is random wandering around the Camp 1 surroundings (definitely that action, not sure if random or not). Not sure the exact trigger for Succubus 3 (something in Camp 2), but the art for that one is only half finished right now.

Ok, thank you :)

Just found this game.  Only got to play prologue today, but so far I'm loving it!  It's a great game with, great story and I love the animations.  Two problems I've found so far though:

1) Inconsistent volumes.  I've found that I'm frequently going into preferences to adjust the volume.  Music in the beginning is a LOT louder in main menu, combat, and the sex battle as opposed to the sex scenes with Dynae and around the town/forest.  Same with the action oriented sounds being controlled by the Sound Volume being much louder in combat than the sounds during sex.

2) the Gallery for the sex battles.  At least when I went to the one from the prologue (haven't unlocked the others yet) it just started the combat from the beginning, but I'd much rather be able to view the scenes from that battle that I'd like to see - i.e. for the enemy to not be set on random or whatever but let me choose it just like I can choose mine so I can see what I want to see.  Maybe for it to only end, in eithier win or lose, when I choose to see the battle end.  These changes would make it much more masturbation friendly.

Also, is there a way to hide the text so I can see the full picture?  I swear I've seen in transitions that the text is hiding some of the image, definitely did during the sex battle's animations.  Speaking of, I wouldn't mind it - i.e. I'd like it but am good either way - if the sex scenes had text in them like the sex battle did.  Just so long as there is a way to hide the text (or it doesn't block any of the animation).  I think picture, sound, and text all together make for a hotter scene.

I'll try to find some money to throw to your patreon just as soon as I'm finished playing this!  Budget's tight, but if I find any its yours!  ...Hope there is a way to change your saves from one version to another come to think of it... *shrug* ^_^

if u click your scrolling button, the text should disappear. Also, H.




We've worked adjusting the volume in this version but the true is that is harder than it seems, because in different dispositives the volume changes, and a lot. In our pc sounds good, in the laptop bad, in the another pc also bad, with headphones good, without them bad...
So we will keep trying. We'll try comparing them with Space Paws sounds as it seems there all sounds had a similar volume.
About the gallery and the succubus, you are not the first suggesting something like that. We're thinking about it. We've not decided what we'll do there. I like replaying the battles so perhaps a cheat to unlock the animations or something like that. We'll see.

Yeah, I get wanting to redo the battle.  Maybe an option for both rather than cheat, at least that's my hope as I don't know if I can afford a patreon tier high enough for cheats ^_^.  And good luck with the sound problems, sorry to hear its so complicated.

Hello Taifun Riders,

Thanks for the great game! While going through 0.27 from the start, I took note of about 20+ typos, mostly in the prologues, some new to 0.27. What's the best way to send you the list?

(1 edit)

This game is absolutely outstanding. Sets the standard for 2D animations in adult games; I've never seen anything better. Such an engaging, wholesome story too, with none of the creepiness or dubious morals that can creep into this genre.  Immediately came back to pay for the new update. Thanks for the awesome work! 

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